Multiple Layers of Meaning in Paso doble (2006), Performance created by Miquel Barceló and Josef Nadj
In the following pages we will explore a series of mythic-symbolic aspects taken from the performance Paso doble. This work was conceived in 2006 by Miquel Barceló and Josef Nadj, and it was presented for first time at the Avignon Festival. We will go down different stratifications located from sub-Saharan Africa to Crete, and spread out multiple layers of meaning -in a chronological way- from the mythological beginning of the creation to the end of the history. This itinerary will be articulated by means of symptomatic elements as the double, the sacrifice, the mask or the duality creation-destruction.
Bonnefoy, Yves (ed.) (2010). Diccionario de mitologías. Backlist, Barcelona.
Cirlot, Juan Eduardo (2011). Diccionario de símbolos. Siruela, Madrid.
Lacuesta, Isaki (2012). El cuaderno de barro. Cameo Media, Barcelona. Paulme, Denise (1962). African Sculpture. Elek Books. London.
Serrano Espinisa, Manuel (2002). Tαυροκαθάψια y juegos del toro desde sus orígenes hasta la época imperial romana. Tesis doctoral disponible online defendida en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Documento recuperado de: . Página visitada el 08/09/2020.