The art of women as a reactivator of the links with Mother Earth through the symbol, the rite and the sacredity.

  • Belen León-Río Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Goddess-Mother, nature, earth, symbol, archetype.


Women artists have always had a special interest in the collective participation of society and ecology, where the viewer can become aware of the limitations of our current social model that has lost its relationship with the mysterious and with nature. From the last century to the present, artists have recognized the Earth as a living organism, reactivating its links with the Mother Goddess through ritual and sacredness; this would have been translated through their creations into symbols that would embody the forces and energies that reproduce the universal action that is hidden in nature. In this article, we will see the symbolic meaning of their works where we would find archetypal images and associations analogous to myths and primitive rites, constituting representations of totality where nature and the feminine principle are presented to us in all their fullness and power.


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How to Cite
León-Río, B. (2023). The art of women as a reactivator of the links with Mother Earth through the symbol, the rite and the sacredity. Afluir Journal, 1(7), 17-34.