We are the land with all its marks

  • Sofía Dumas Tello UBU Teatro. Cuenca. Ecuador
Keywords: garbage, photographic series, environment, nature, consumption, artistic drift.


This is a photographic series, the product of an artistic drift, where it is intended to create awareness about the footprint that we are leaving in the environment, emphasizing that each action has a reaction, the exorbitant amount of waste produced is destroying the ecosystem, the impact of disposable products is unsustainable making it necessary/vital to change our consumption habits.

Author Biography

Sofía Dumas Tello, UBU Teatro. Cuenca. Ecuador




Espíritu Zavalza, M. P. (2014). Aproximación a un proyecto de investigación en arte: “Navegar en el tiempo”. Tercio Creciente nº 5, págs. 61 - 66

Hernández Ramírez, Giselda E. (2018). Re/sidir y re/sistir. Un ensayo sobre mis topofilias. Tercio Creciente, 14, págs. 49-64. ttps://dx.doi.org/10.17561/rtc.n14.2

Peña Sánchez, N. (2014). La fotografía como imagen sensorial. Recuerdos invisibles para una interpretación visual. Tercio Creciente nº5, págs. 27 - 36, file:///Users/admin/Downloads/3084-Texto%20del%20art%C3%ADculo-10216-1-10-20161003.pdf
How to Cite
Dumas Tello, S. (2019). We are the land with all its marks. Afluir Journal, (3), 48-55. https://doi.org/10.48260/ralf.n3.12