Una A critical artistic proposal against the pharmacotransgenic dystopia that is imposed on us as reality
In this essay I discuss about artistic research, through a series of works that I have done since 2019 in which I use a combination of painting and collage. These works constitute a first approach to the global reality of growing inequality and biopolitical control that is imposed to us today, and that now, after having made these works, I name it as a pharmacotransgenic dystopia. These are works that are part of my artistic research for the Master of Artistic Creation of the Morelense Center of the Arts, on the new forms of social and corporal domination, in the world that is presented to us as obligatory and desirable in the present and the future: a capitalist scientific-technological world that generates accumulation in a few hands through the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, bioengineering, cybernetics, and the ideologies that sustain it.
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