Afluir journal (ISSN-e: 2659-7721) is an annual research journal published by the Cultural Association for Social Action and Art (AASA).
Afluir is an international research and artistic creation journal, also linked to artistic and aesthetic education and humanities in general. Therefore, it accepts articles in text, visual and/or audiovisual format, as long as the contents are related to the main theme of the magazine, allowing the publication of essays, research and/or intervention proposals, whether completed or to be carried out.
Management Committee The management committee is responsible for the coordination and editing of the journal, whose bodies are made up of: Director, Co-editor, Editorial Team and Scientific Committee. All the people who are part of these committees are committed to accepting the principles of the ethical code established by the journal.
1.1. Functions of the Director/Editor
The director of the journal is responsible for the coordination and representation of the magazine, communications with the editorial board, reviewers, and scientific committee, as well as being a visible member of the AASA edition.
The Director chooses the Co-editor.
The Director calls for meetings with the organizing committee whenever it is deemed appropriate and necessary for the development and work of each of the members responsible for some action or task in the edition of the magazine and its needs.
The Director will be responsible for ensuring the quality and level of the journal, as well as its indexing in national and international databases and coordinating the evaluation and procedures for obtaining the quality seals that are determined, with the collaboration of the Editorial Team for all these tasks.
The Director acknowledges receipt of all works received for possible publication.
The Director will be responsible for sending the articles planned for review to the reviewers, or delegate such task to the Co-editor.
1.2. Functions of the Co-editor
The Co-editor will be responsible for the reception of original files as well as their management throughout the process until publication.
The Co-editor will be responsible for communication with authors, members of the Editorial Committee, Scientific Committee and reviewers, as well as direct communications with the Cultural Association for Social Action and Art.
The Co-editor organizes the preliminary review process of the files received before proceeding to rejection or blind peer review. They will also convene the members of the editorial committee that are determined for this task as well as the decision-making and communication to the authors.
The Co-editor will be responsible for overseeing the entire editorial process of the journal issues, as well as supervising the layout and editing tasks of the issues.
The Co-editor collaborates with the director in their tasks and is responsible for them in the absence of the director. The Associated Editors will collaborate with the Director in the dissemination of the journal, institutional relations, exchanges, indexing, and any other tasks that contribute to the improvement of the quality and recognition of the journal.
1.2. Editorial Team
The Editorial Team will be formed by prestigious and relevant teachers, researchers and professionals without an obligatory connection with the Cultural Association for Social Action and Art.
The Editorial Team will necessarily include a percentage of foreign individuals and professionals.
The choice of the Editorial Team will be defined by the management and team of the Cultural Association for Social Action and Art, who must be guided by the professionalism, trajectory and justified and endorsed prestige.
The members of the Editorial Team will participate in the evaluation and review processes as required.