We don't want to be apest with concrete in Fine Arts

Keywords: Concrete, Sculpture, Sculptural technique, concrete, Sculpture, sculptural technique


The concrete appeared two thousand years ago, as there are civil engineering remains of this
material in the Port of Puzzoli near Naples, Italy. In architecture, a classic example is the construction
of the Pantheon of Agrippa in Rome, a work made of mass concrete.Much later, in the middle of the
19th century, with the invention of reinforced concrete by Joseph-Louis Lambot (curiously, patenting a
boat), this technique was later used for architectural ornamentation elements and at the beginning of
the 20th century, figures from the sculpture were fixed on it. modern as, Bárbara Hepworth, Henry
Moore, Jorge Oteiza, Eduardo Chillida among others.Since then, hundreds of artists have used this
material. This communication shows a range of artists who have relied on this technique and explains
the different ways in which they solved their works.There are two sculptural ensembles in the world
built in concrete and which should be remembered for their high quality, the Friendship Route in
Mexico City and the Spomenik of the former Yugoslavia, the first of the Friendship Route are a
sculptural ensemble that ranges from the In Mexico City to the sports complex where the 1968
Olympic Games were held, the artist Matías Goeritz summoned different internationally renowned
artists to perform works on the occasion of that event.Second, the Spomenik are sculptural
ensembles ordered to be made by the dictator Tito, unfortunately today a large part of them have
been destroyed.An important aspect to highlight is the validity of this material in the arts, the
communication shows current artists who use concrete to produce work, thus demonstrating that it is
a material that has adapted to new trends.We can see how new technologies have also been used in
this material, parts are already made by 3D printers or robotic arms, as through research science has
achieved that, with new types of additives, binders and specific cements, artistic works can be
achieved in concrete with properties from being self-cleaning to being translucent.Concrete is an ideal
material especially for a new artist with few economic resources, obtaining good quality and durable
pieces. For this reason, it is highly recommended to teach this technique to students of Fine Arts, with
it you can bid in competitions pieces of a considerable and acceptable size. There are examples of
now established artists who began their journey with this material.


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How to Cite
Gómez Jarillo, F., & Zurdo Menéndez, L. (2021). We don’t want to be apest with concrete in Fine Arts. Afluir Journal, (extra3), 237-253. https://doi.org/10.48260/ralf.extra3.83