La Body Experience as a Means for Meaningful Individual and Collective Learning

  • Leire Amonarriz Lecuona "Dantzerti"-Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático y Danza de Euskadi
Keywords: Narrative research, body experience, situated learning, intersubjectivity, meaningful learning, creative dance., Narrative research, body experience, situated learning, intersubjectivity, meaningful learning, creative dance


This investigation explores the existing relationships between the body experience and the reflexive processes in a group of students of the Higher Degree in Dance, Specialty Dance Pedagogy. Through the practice of Educational Dance, diverse experiences are generated that aim to mobilize thought in the participants and, consequently, to visualize and analyze the meaningful learning processes in this context. From the precepts of situated learning -corporal- and the intersubjective perspective of learning, the classroom becomes a space of dialogue and multidirectional communication where the value of the learning process experienced by each person involved is enhanced. The study is carried out through participant observation and the interpretation of the experience reports. The results show an overview of the complex reality that constitutes a people-focused educational experience and provide a situated interpretation of the phenomenon studied.


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How to Cite
Amonarriz Lecuona, L. (2021). La Body Experience as a Means for Meaningful Individual and Collective Learning. Afluir Journal, (extra3), 125-135.