Stage dramaturgy as rhythmic-musical creation in the show Kiss &Cry

  • Alicia Bernal Molina Beca predoctoral UPV
Keywords: stage music director, experimental musical theatre, new dramaturgy, Live arts


The article focuses on analyzing the Kiss & Cry show created by Jaco Van Dormael and Michale Anne De Mey of the Belgian company Charleroi Danzses, which mixes film, dance and theatre. We will analyze the dramatic construction of this show taking into account the unusual figure of the stage musical director who is responsible for creating the rhythm of the show, in this case the movements of the camera, the actors, the introduction of the musical effects, in short, the entire stage apparatus. We will therefore review the figure of the director making an analogy with the work of the music director. Finally, we will recontextualize the function of dramaturgy according to what we currently call Live Art, delving into relevant aspects that define this type of theater linked to non-textual languages.

As a result, our work aims to give visibility to a type of contemporary artistic proposals that until now have no place in the classification by traditional genres of the theater and should find a place in the Academy.


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How to Cite
Bernal Molina, A. (2020). Stage dramaturgy as rhythmic-musical creation in the show Kiss &Cry. Afluir Journal, (extra2), 59-69.