Other Kinds of anatomy

Keywords: Funtional diversity, universal design


Hereby a description of an educational proposal aimed to introduce students for a bachelor’s in fine art or design in the need to contemplate the inclusion of diversity within their artistic productions. This proposal is also suitable for other educational levels. There is an increasing awareness of the importance of inclusion of diversity as an added value to provide new solutions to respond to a changing and increasingly globalized world, therefore it is essential to contemplate this topic within today’s contents in higher education. A video created specially for the International Day of Disability is used as a trigger and starting point to reflect on the social acceptance of people with functional diversity. The aim of this proposal is to analyse and discuss from a critical point of view the standardization models of human typologies and offer students the opportunity to become acquainted with this reality and take up a stance regarding diversity and inclusion. The participants also reflect on what role they can play as future creative artists with their artistic production and their professional activity whilst associating their work with social transformation and providing solutions to existing wicked problems through their artistic practice.


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How to Cite
Alonso Acebes, M. T. (2021). Other Kinds of anatomy. Afluir Journal, (extra3), 67-74. https://doi.org/10.48260/ralf.extra3.59