La Gender violence as aesthetics in Western visual culture from the 16th to the 21st century

  • Leticia Balzi Costa Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Neoliberalism, Art History, Feminism, Politic aesthetics, Visual Culture


How does a woman's body function as a cultural commodity in Western visual culture?

This research exposes how through visual education, the history of art was and is articulated by the structure of a pattern of objectification with respect to the female body, used as a strategy by capitalism. For example, as a source of inspiration for art directors, photographers, film directors, and video game designers appropriating aesthetics that implicitly content the politics of oppressive social stereotypes of women reproduced through images. Finally, neocolonial forms are exported as part of post-digital culture and the globalized economy, creating oppressive new identities for women around the world. The digital and visual archive illustrates this research exploring the aesthetic politics that still trade with race, gender, ethnicity, and class; pollinating the global market through networks that use visual culture and digital media.


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How to Cite
Balzi Costa, L. (2021). La Gender violence as aesthetics in Western visual culture from the 16th to the 21st century. Afluir Journal, (extra3), 33-52.