I think: What do I paint here?

Búsqueda experimental basada en la creación artística intermedia para el conocimiento y expresión personal

  • María Paz Barrios Mudarra Universidad de Jaén



The project is a narrative research from the research methodology perspective in tale and short story format.   

A source of resources for self-understanding, starting in the convergence of experiences lived through intercultural relationships in art. 

I experiment tales and short stories as a means to tell and look for one’s own style,  turn around the things we tell still in a complex manner, as from that perspective you learn to look for ideas that are dissolved into words which are the essence of what is written and that are linked to elements  such as imagination and memory, the latter being the storage of all the ideas we tend to organise. 

Our aim is to give a turn to the narration and that it serves as a foundation in art-based research. 

Complex thinking develops under condition of self-knowledge. Considering the complexity of short stories, imagination, memory, finding words that give a relational and dialogical approach in participatory creative processes, constant challenges, giving an essence to the construction of new ways of being and doing. Encountering, the very one creative process becomes a result, tracing throughout research as a form of knowledge and personal expression. 


Narrative, intercultural relations, arts-based research, poetry. 


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How to Cite
Barrios Mudarra, M. P. (2020). I think: What do I paint here?. Afluir Journal, (extra2), 165-180. https://doi.org/10.48260/ralf.extra2.38