Integrated centres in Spain. How they arise, what is the intention and the result.
The integrated high school and music education centres, started with the intention of unifying the teaching syllabus of both. The main ambition of these centers is for the student to continue eith the college level studies, and then the profesional life, trying to achieve a similiarlevel of the ones so called high performance centres along Europe. Early youngsters emerged from methods that are considered "high performance" and their immersion in the world of record labels and agencies of artists' representatives, an issue that raises a series of moral and artistic questions.
Moreira, Joao (2003). Nelson Freire. Instituto Moreira Salles, Rio de Janeiro
Mirrow, Benedict, Lang Lang (2006). Dragon Songs. Euroart, Francia
Vico Prieto, A. F. (2017). Espacios sonoros: Archivo Histórico de Jaén. Tercio Creciente, 12, págs 53-62. DOI:10.17561/rtc.n12.
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