Artistic research as a journey experience

  • Fabio Ricardo Bastos Gomes Universidad de Jaén
Keywords: Keywords: artistic research, journey, experience., artistic research, journey, experience


This essay proposes reflections on the possibility of considering artistic research as a journey. With this analogy, an attempt is made to study important aspects of the creative process of artists as a journey in search of new perspectives and self-discovery. Considering artistic research as a journey highlights the relevance of the investigative-creative development, as it focuses on experiencing, experimenting, learning, and exploring diverse paths with the aim of enriching both artworks and the production of knowledge, as well as the experiences of the researchers. Each work produced during the research can be seen as a testimony of the journey's itinerary. Artistic research understood as a journey invites artists to embrace the adventure, explore with curiosity, and allow the fluidity of creativity, generating a continuous cycle of learning and discoveries.


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How to Cite
Bastos Gomes, F. R. (2024). Artistic research as a journey experience. Afluir Journal, 1(ext. 4), 21-29.