Art and photography that talk about equality, an experience in the university

  • Pilar Del Río Fernández Universidad de Málaga
  • M. Victoria Márquez Casero
  • Leticia Vázquez Carpio
Keywords: art, equality, education, photography


The artistic exercise we presented was conceived as a performance within the Permanent
Group of Educational Innovation GPIE-034 EINNOVA at the University of Malaga, where new
teaching methodologies are developed with students. Our starting point was to foster a deep
reflection on gender inequalities and express it through photography as a means to develop
critical, communicative, and creative thinking. The current world is filled with diverse stimuli.
In this context, it is essential to educate in visual language as a way to acquire and develop the
skills that allow our children and young people to understand their environment and develop a
critical reading of reality (Dager, H. 2019). Images, especially photographs, accompany human
beings at all times in their daily lives. Therefore, we have considered it necessary not to remain
indifferent to this reality and to learn how to generate them with the precise communicative
value to speak about equality.


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How to Cite
Del Río Fernández, P., Márquez Casero, M. V., & Vázquez Carpio, L. (2024). Art and photography that talk about equality, an experience in the university. Afluir Journal, 1(ext. 4), 67-80.