Lesbian princesses and other oddities. Art and art education as a tool for decostructing gender stereotypes
In 2009 we implemented at the MuPAI (Pedagogical Museum of Children's Art) an edition of Colored Holidays based on the stories, “and they DID NOT eat partridges”, in which the main objective was to deconstruct traditional European stories and their visual representations, especially the created by Disney. After 9 days analyzing images, stereotypes,... we arrived at the final session in which the participants presented their creations to their families. At this moment, the group of “elders” (boys and girls between 9 and 12 years old) decided to write a story, which they read in front of a full auditorium of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UCM, without anyone (not even the educators) knew its content. In this story they dismantled all the stereotypes present in the stories about gender, beauty, romantic love, but also the sexual orientation of the protagonists. In this photoessay we present the handwritten text of the story they read along with some images of the results of this camp and other activities that, since then, the MuPAI team has designed and implemented in relation to issues of gender, sexual orientation,... reviewing the strategies used to work on identity and gender orientation and sexual orientation, we conclude the need to generate safe places, deconstruct stereotypes and encourage the creation of one's own identity to create an environment of free and respected expression thanks to art and education artistic.
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