Artistic education in Mexico

  • Karele Maxiinahí Félix Piña Docente Investigadora
Keywords: art education, Mexico, teaching


Formal art education in Mexico is under construction. Historically, artistic education has
had to go through different moments to be included in the curriculum, and although it has
gradually appeared and has managed to position itself as an area to be developed in basic
education study plans, it still faces a lack of formality, little time in classrooms, lack of
materials and various factors that make it difficult for students to achieve their goals.
Furthermore, the absence of research and documentation in the field weakens the defense of the
incorporation and formalization of the area, a challenge that, without a doubt, must be faced to
have a critical and reflective position that allows for the solution of problems and due
development. creative and aesthetic in students from basic education.


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How to Cite
Félix Piña, K. M. (2023). Artistic education in Mexico. Afluir Journal, 1(7), 7-16.