Experimental and empirical composition based on the pentatonic scale

  • Elisa Rodríguez Gordo Universidad de Jaén
Keywords: Composition, Experimenta, Experimental, Pentatonic, Randomness


Based on experimentation, in this article we are going to expose the methods by which a composition has been carried out, being the basis of the creation the pentatonic scale of the major blues scale. The interest of this creation will be highlighted in the way in which the different notes are presented and how they combine with each other in relation to different sounds, different tessituras and different instruments. The combination of all of them and the sporadic use of randomness, will show us the possibilities of this type of scales and the difficulties that show this type of compositions, in relation to its use and the intervallic and harmonic relations. This article will be the result of the musical product of a composition justified as an experimental creation.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Gordo, E. (2023). Experimental and empirical composition based on the pentatonic scale. Afluir Journal, 1(7), 75-88. https://doi.org/10.48260/ralf.7.140