Violence, spectralities and anachronism of images in the "Bolivia del Centenario" (1925)

  • Federico Fort Instituto de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Keywords: Bolivia, Violence, Racism, Image, Photography


In this visual essay we offer to the reader, and observer, a journey through images of Bolivia. It was created using photographs of two great works that build certain imaginaries about Bolivia: Bolivia en el Primer Centenario de su Independencia, 1825-1925 (a book, with a large number of images, edited by "The University Society INC.", under the supervision of the republican government of Bautista Saavedra, around the Bolivian centenary celebrations) and Anthropologie Bolivienne (1908), by the French anthropologist Arthur Chervin (1850-1921). However, the present work does not show the original photographs, but intervened versions of them. This intervention supposes the juxtaposition of the photographs of both publications, while adding color to certain elements. The purpose of this operation is to make visible different forms of violence exercised, based on images, in the two works mentioned above. Likewise, the work not only aims to "show" the intervened images, but also articulates them with a written text. In this way, based on the combination (and tension) between the images and words, the essay reflects on the present and anachronism that these intervened images entail, and invites to think about the contemporary Bolivia (and Latin America).


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How to Cite
Fort, F. (2023). Violence, spectralities and anachronism of images in the "Bolivia del Centenario" (1925). Afluir Journal, 1(7), 35-52.