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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. General aspects

Afluir edited by the AASA Cultural Association, the Social and Art Action Cultural Association, is an annual publication founded in 2016 aimed at specialists, researchers, professionals, and individuals interested in any field related to art, artistic education, and culture. It publishes original works carried out with methodological rigor that contribute to research in these fields, without losing sight of the multidisciplinary nature that characterizes this area of knowledge.

2. Submission guidelines

The works must be unpublished and not in the process of review or publication by any other means. They should be written in Spanish or in any other language as long as the abstract and keywords are also translated into Spanish and English. They should be presented in Word format for Windows or Mac OSX, without data identifying their authorship, in the template format included at the end of these guidelines, and sent through the application.

2.1. Articles

The submitted works must be unpublished and not in the process of publication or selection by any other journal or media. They should be written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese, and should be presented in Word format without authorship data, which should be sent, as the only means, through the journal's platform, after registering all authors.

Along with the Word file, a data file must be included, including:

  • Name of all authors, ORCID code, a brief research-professional curriculum (max. 200 words) of all authors, email address, and phone number of the responsible person. If the work presented is the result of funding, the references and suggestions for reviewers should be indicated.

2.2. Visual and/or audiovisual essays

The submitted works must be unpublished and not in the process of publication or selection by any other journal or media. They should be written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese, and should be presented in Word format without authorship data, which should be sent, as the only means, through the journal's platform, after registering all authors.

Artistic products of an investigative, critical, educational, and/or descriptive nature that fall within the journal's lines of work. It is recommended to include explanatory and descriptive text justifying and supporting the artistic product presented, as well as a list of references and bibliography that have determined the design of the proposal presented.

The presented text will have a maximum of 400 words and a maximum of 30 images/audiovisual material.

Along with the Word file, a data file must be included, containing:

  • Folder of image files containing the images that are part of the visual essay in JPG (resolution 300 ppi) and/or links to the products uploaded to a visualization platform accompanied by image captures of the same.

3. Reviewers

For all submissions, two possible reviewers are recommended for the evaluation of the work presented, providing the necessary information about them (name and surname, email, affiliation), which must be included in the data file that accompanies the submission of originals. The reviewers should not belong to the same institution as the author/authors of the work, and the choice and selection of the reviewers will be the decision of the journal's coordination, which reserves the right to accept the proposal presented by the author/authors.

Peer-review process

The originals will be subjected to blind peer review. Based on the evaluators' reports, the authors will be informed of the acceptance or not of the articles for publication, as well as of the appropriate modifications in the cases that require it in terms of structure or style. The articles will be sent through the OJS platform, in which they must register.

For this procedure, all authors should take into account the following issues:

  1. Sending and receiving original proposals. The articles will be sent through the journal's platform, correctly filling in the metadata: Keywords (in Spanish and English), institution of origin, email, ORCID code of the author or authors. For articles with shared authorship, all authors must be registered in the journal to recognize their authorship. In the submission process, when filling in the metadata and article data, everything must be filled in lowercase. Articles that do not comply with these rules will not be reviewed. The editorial team will acknowledge receipt within a maximum period of one month.

  2. Evaluation format. The reviewers assigned to the review process will evaluate the submitted proposals taking into account the parameters indicated by the editorial team of the journal through a rubric. These are: 1) Originality and relevance of research results; 2) Methodologies and articulations; 3) Updated bibliography, webography, videography. All these parameters will be evaluated using a scale of: Excellent, Very good, Good, Improvable, Negative. A negative evaluation of any of these aspects will be grounds for canceling the review and publication processes.

  3. Article selection. In order to guarantee the blind peer-review process, the editorial team will remove all identifying data of the author from the article and subsequently request anonymous review of the work by two anonymous evaluators. Once the Director has received the reports, they will communicate the decision to the authors, providing the arguments that justify acceptance, rejection, or the need for modification of the manuscript.

  4. Article publication. Accepted articles will be included in the next issue of Afluir, after the consent and acceptance of the authors following the editing and production of the final layout.


4. Length and structure

Articles should have a maximum length of 8,000 words, not including the abstract, keywords, and references.

The mandatory structure for submitting papers is as follows:

Title (in Spanish and English);

Abstract in Spanish and English, with a maximum length of 200 words;

Keywords (no more than 5 words), in Spanish and English.

If the article is written in another language, the title, abstract, and keywords should be added in Spanish.

5. Images

Images (whether for articles or visual essays) should be sent in high-quality JPG format (300 ppi) in a separate folder from the text, where all visual files should be included. In the file name, reference should be made to the location in the text itself. Regardless of this, the images must be included in the text file sent, placed in their corresponding location, and with the corresponding caption. Citations for images from other authors must be correctly referenced following current APA guidelines, unless they are authored by the author themselves, in which case "photograph by the author" should be specified.

The journal, in its layout and editing process, reserves the right to modify the size of the images as required for proper publication.

6. Citations and bibliographic references

Citations and bibliographic references will comply with the citation standards chosen by the author, provided that they are consistent and uniform throughout the article. It is recommended not to abuse or use footnotes arbitrarily, and they should only be used when necessary for the understanding of the text.

The citation and bibliographic reference style can be based on APA (2019), ISO 690:2010, or Chicago style. The use of footnotes will be limited to essential clarifications, and the author should aim to reduce the number and length of footnotes as much as possible. Additionally, quotations should be avoided whenever possible.

Notes will be placed at the end of the article (before the references) or as footnotes, depending on the author's preference. The footnote numbers should be in superscript and placed before the closing period or comma. No notes should be included that only contain simple bibliographic citations, as these should be included in the references. Bibliographic and other references should be listed in a format that is easy for readers to access, such as alphabetically. All citations, whether bibliographic, visual, or of any other type, should be taken from original documents and should include the page numbers of the work from which they are taken. When references include works of art, collections, or filmography, the author should adapt them according to the available data.

7. Evaluation process

Once the submission is received, the editorial team will conduct a preliminary analysis of all submissions received to verify that they meet the requirements requested here. At the same time, they will be subjected to an anti-plagiarism review.

The following points will be considered for the acceptance of works:

Originality, relevance to the theme of the journal, and currency. Methodological quality and good writing. If the submissions pass this first screening, the original manuscripts will be sent to external reviewers (double-blind). The outcome of this first phase, prior to acceptance for review, will be notified to the contact person within a maximum period of 6 months.

8. Acceptance of submissions

Submitted works must comply with the presentation guidelines of the journal, following its publication format, which will be fully respected as long as no errors are detected, which will be corrected by the layout and editing team of the corresponding issue.

Once the review process has ended, the works will be sent to the author/contact person to make the corrections suggested by the reviewers within a maximum period of 15 days from the communication of the end of the review.

For the acceptance of works, authors must comply with the ethical principles of research and publication, as well as privacy and copyright rights, which will be transferred to the journal.

Works whose authorship has already been published in the journal will not be accepted, and at least one year must have elapsed since the previous publication.

9. Languages

Manuscripts in any language are accepted, without prejudice to complying with the instructions in the title, abstract, and keywords sections, which must also be in Spanish and English, in addition to the chosen language.

10. Submissions

Once the authors have filled in all the necessary documents, they will be submitted through the OJS platform, after registering on it. When there is more than one author, each one must register in the journal, and only one person will be the corresponding author, responsible for uploading all the documents, and making sure that the names of the other authors are provided in the submission under "add author/s," with the same data they used to register.


Copyright Notice 

The Afluir journal, to promote global knowledge exchange, provides unrestricted access to its content from the moment of publication in this electronic edition, and is therefore an open access journal. The originals published in this journal are the property of the Cultural Association Social Action and Art (AASA), and it is mandatory to cite its origin in any total or partial reproduction. All contents are distributed under a license of use and distribution (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported). This circumstance must be expressly stated in this way when necessary. You can consult the informative version.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Asociación Cultural Acción Social y Arte (AASA)

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